How To Stay Motivated and End Strong During Finals Season

By: Miriam Dixon

This is the final stretch of the semester. With one more week of classes and finals quickly approaching it is difficult to stay motivated and end on a strong note. Here are some tips to keep you on track.

Write it Down

Make a list of assignments and goals you want to achieve. Everyone is overwhelmed with what seems like never ending assignments and exams. When you create a list it will often make the tasks more manageable as you can visualize what needs to be prioritized. Writing things down helps organize your thoughts and you will no longer worry about forgetting to complete a task. Most of all, it is motivating to see items get crossed off as you accomplish them.

Take a Break

Create a study schedule with intervals of study and break time. A helpful time management technique is the Pomodoro Method, simply set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on studying or completing a task. Then take a 5 minute break and repeat. Once you have completed four rounds you can take a longer 30 minute rest. Differentiating your study sessions and breaks is helpful in working efficiently. Setting timers is very beneficial as it is too easy to get swept away in a 45 minute TikTok break. There are plenty of free study timer apps that you can utilize. However, I suggest avoiding distractions by putting your phone on “do not disturb” or removing it from your work surface. If you are productive during the day you can avoid pulling all nighters and getting stressed about looming due dates and exams.

Maintain Your Routines

When classes are finished I tend to fall out of my routines but it is important to maintain them. Routines help shape your days even without classes and keep you productive. They are crucial for mental well being because they allocate time for self care, rest, and divide up the day. In order to stay productive with all the extra time you have, create plans with friends to study together. Try to wake up at a reasonable time, stay active, and fuel your body with balanced meals.

This is Temporary!

Within the next three weeks we will all be home for the holidays. Remembering that the stress and pressure of finals is temporary is very important. So, take the time to be accountable and put your best effort in.

Best of luck!